Independent Debt Help
If you are struggling with your finances and having problems meeting payments, we recommend that you seek help. Whatever your circumstances, there are a number of free, independent debt help organisations that provide impartial advice including.

Money Helper
Money Helper: Worried about debts or have missed payments? There is free, confidential, and independent debt advice available. The government sponsored MoneyHelper can direct you to a debt adviser straight away by telephone or you can get support online via

Citizens Advice
Citizens Advice: The charity for your community aims to provide the advice people need for the problems they face and improve the policies and practices that affect people’s lives. (England and Wales) (Scotland) (Northern Ireland)

National Debtline
National Debtline is a debt charity providing free, confidential and impartial advice and a library of online resources – including an information pack, personal budget planning, sample letters and information that will allow you to determine whether you qualify for a debt relief order

Business Debtline
Business Debtline offer debt advice for self-employed people living in different parts of the country. The charity, which is part of the Money Advice Trust (MAT), was formed in 1991 to increase the quality and availability of free, independent money advice in the UK

Christians Against Poverty
Christians Against Poverty are a national charity, working across the UK to lift people out of debt and poverty. They offer free debt counselling through a network of 239 debt centres based in local churches.

Stepchange Debt Charity
Stepchange Debt Charity (formerly the Consumer Credit Counselling Service) is the leading debt charity in the UK providing instant online debt advice, help with budgets and personalised debt management plans tailored to your personal situation. You can call free on 0800 138 1111